Call Us Today! 318-445-4582

Trusted Repairs For Over 40 Years.

Contact Us

If you’ve been in an accident or simply have a dent in your vehicle, call Ray Hyde Paint & Body Works in Alexandria, LA. We provide 24/7 towing, free estimates and a lifetime warranty on our labor, if you own the vehicle. We understand if you are bringing your car to us there may already be some stress, which we aim to alleviate. As a preferred repair facility for most major insurance companies, we are happy to help talk with them and work out the details, knowing exactly what to ask and how to communicate to keep you protected.

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We welcome all customers in the Central Louisiana Region and are a Direct Repair Facility. To book our services, please contact us at 318-445-4582 today!


Ray Hyde Paint & Body Shop
5716 Gene Ball Dr.
Alexandria, LA 71302


Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM

We Remove Doubts